Dolibarr install or upgrade - Configuration file
Web server
Directory where web pages are stored
Without the slash "/" at the end
Directory to store uploaded and generated documents
Without the slash "/" at the end
It is recommanded to use a directory outside of your directory of your web pages.
C:/My Documents/dolibarr/
URL Root
Force secure connections (https)
Check this option to force secure connections (https).
This requires that the web server is configured with an SSL certificate.
Dolibarr Database
Database name
Database name
Driver type
mssql (MSSQL >= 2000) Experimental
pgsql (PostgreSQL >= 8.4.0)
mysqli (MySQL or MariaDB >= 5.0.3)
mysql (MySQL >= 5.0.3) Deprecated
Database type
Name or ip address for database server, usually 'localhost' when database server is hosted on same server than web server
Database server port. Keep empty if unknown.
Database prefix table
Database prefix table
Create database
Check box if database does not exist and must be created.
In this case, you must fill the login/password for superuser account at the bottom of this page.
Login for Dolibarr database owner.
Password for Dolibarr database owner.
Create owner
Check box if database owner does not exist and must be created.
In this case, you must choose its login and password and also fill the login/password for the superuser account at the bottom of this page. If this box is unchecked, owner database and its passwords must exists.
Database server - Superuser access
Login of the user allowed to create new databases or new users, mandatory if your database or its owner does not already exists.
Leave empty if user has no password (avoid this)